Monday, September 28, 2009

Throwing A Party With A Celebrity Host-Affordably

Learn how to throw a party the right way with -

If you’re a club promoter that wants to throw a party but you don’t have a main attraction to get people in the doors here’s an option for you! Plus it’s affordable! Hire a radio personality or on-air DJ to host the party. These DJs have both name recognition and probably their own fan base amongst their listeners. DJs won’t charge you anywhere close to what a real celebrity or recording artist would charge you to host your party.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Building An Email List-A Party Promoters Lifeline When You Throw A Party

Having an email list of people who have either come to one
of your parties before or are potential customers can prove to be priceless as
you develop your business in the party industry.

Emails should be collected at any and every party or event
you throw...and if you're not currently throwing parties, you can begin to
collect emails through social networking sites, blogs, or your own website.
This will ultimately save you thousands of marketing and advertising dollars
when you get to the point of not having to spend so much on flyers, street team
labor, radio ads, etc. to get the word out about your party.

When you're ready to send out emails your audience, you
don't want to do this through your regular email account like yahoo, hotmail, or
gmail. Doing this will get you caught in spam filters and many have a quota on
how many emails you can send in a day.

The best thing to do is use an email hosting company like MadMimi.

MadMimi is a site that lets you upload your email addresses and set
up campaigns to send out to your recipients. It's very simple to use and has
tools for you to collect emails on your myspace page or website, format your
email message with text & pics, and schedule them for whenever you like!

Check it out with this link and you can try it out for free:

Try MadMimi for FREE

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Talk to bartenders before throwing your party

Visit to Learn How To Throw A Party
The Right Way!!

Here’s an awesome tip for club promoters. If you planning on throwing a party at a particular club, make sure you do your research first. The first thing to do is scope the club out and gather as much information as possible that will help give you the upper hand before talking to the club owner or manager.
Talk to bartenders and the wait staff first to dig out some details about how the club is running their business. You can go into the club during operating hours and sit down in front of a cool talkative bartender and buy a few drinks. During this time, ask him/her what nights are best at the club. Or you can ask, how many people showed up on any particular night. And if you get real cool with them, you can even ask how much their register rang up.
This information will let you know if the club is going good, bad, needs help, etc. This knowledge can be very advantageous to you when you start negotiations on what the club wants from you in order for you to throw your party there.
You’ll want to get great deals from clubs that are slow on business and customers and justify why they need to cater to your needs as a club promoter.